Top 10 reasons to use magazine advertising

Magazine advertising provides opportunities for connection that its more buzz-worthy counterparts, like digital and TV, may not be able to compete wit

Magazine advertising provides opportunities for connection that its more buzz-worthy counterparts, like digital and TV, may not be able to compete with. — Photo courtesy Mining & Energy

We are always on the lookout for helpful media and marketing articles to share. Here is one that caught our eye entitled, “The 10 Biggest Reasons to Use Magazine Advertising for Business Development.”

1. Magazine Advertising Is Cost Effective

Ads in magazines, however, are part of the reading experience and consumers welcome their compelling images and informative stories. And a recent study has shown magazines to have the highest return on advertising spend.

2. Magazine Readers Are Dedicated

Most magazine readers are dedicated to their favorite publications and deeply interested in the topics presented.

3. Magazine Ads Have a Long Shelf Life

Magazine ads, however, remain ready to impress for as long as the physical publication is around. How many times have you been in a waiting room and picked up an old copy of a magazine to pass the time? Those ads are still there, ready to make an impression.

4. Magazine Ads Deliver High Ad Recall

According to's Magazine Factbook, magazine media delivers strong ad recall with more than half of all readers noting a lasting impression.

5. People Trust Print Messaging

When considering an advertising channel, it's important to note that consumers trust print advertising more than any other media source. If you want people to believe what they see, make sure you get your messages into print.

6. Better Customer Engagement

Whether they've chosen a favorite, quiet corner of the home or are riding the train on the way to work, when people are enjoying their favorite magazines, they are engaged with the content.

7. Magazine Ads Lead Directly to Sales

A 2014 study showed that 35 percent of magazine readers headed right to the advertiser's website after viewing an ad.

8. Boost All Advertising Efforts

All of these benefits will also carry over into your other advertising channels — especially digital.

9. Higher ROI

When you put together all the benefits of magazine advertising for business development — especially the ability of print to act as a complementary piece for your other channels — you'll enjoy a better return on your investments in all directions.

10. Magazines Help Build Your Brand

Magazines offer a trustworthy environment for consumers to make an emotional connection with your brand. With national titles that dominate in many major markets and niche magazines that offer a path into highly-dedicated.

Read the entire article here.

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Source: Advent Media Group