Second Annual Ontario Mining Forum

Presented by Insight Information, this event brings together industry and government leaders.

Industry and government leaders are coming together to share their insights into what it is that defines the Ontario resource sector and how one can participate in developing the province’s resource endowment, including:

  • The Ring of Fire initiative scope, opportunity, discoveries to date
  • Challenges that need to be addressed to realize the significant economic and social benefits
  • First Nations capacity and partnership with each other, companies and provincial and federal governments
  • Infrastructure development requirements
  • Economic benefits and their distribution
  • Environmental vision, protection and mitigation
  • Aboriginal-industry relationship building in support of aboriginal community and economic development
  • Ontario government programs supporting partnerships
  • Developing successful Impact and Benefit Agreement

Plus, there will be a keynote luncheon address from the Honourable Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Northern Development and Mines Chair of Cabinet.

Featuring (in order of appearance):

  • Dr. Christine Kaszycki, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
  • Michael Fox, Fox High Impact Consulting
  • Dianne Corbett, Ministry of Natural Resources
  • Sheila Daniel, AMEC
  • Stephen Lindley, SNC Lavalin Inc.
  • Derek Teevan, Detour Gold
  • Chief Cornelius Wabasse, Webequie First Nation
  • Deputy Grand Chief Les Louttit, Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN)
  • David de Launay, Ontario Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
  • Sandra A. Gogal, Miller Thomson LLP
  • Bernie Hughes, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
  • Glenn Nolan, Noront Resources Ltd.
  • Colin Webster, Goldcorp Inc.

WHERE: Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay, ON

WHEN: June 19, 2012

For full conference details visit: