Tim Aiken appointed Nickel Institute president

Tim Aiken brings with him career-long experience at Nickel Institute member company Anglo Platinum.

“As a former chair of the board of the Nickel Institute, Tim brings a deep understanding of the nickel industry and its stakeholders as well as the institute's membership,” said Glenn Kellow, chairman, Nickel Institute. “His unique background means that he will be able to have an immediate impact as the senior executive of the Institute.”

Tim succeeds Dr. Kevin Bradley.

“Kevin has contributed strongly to the Nickel Institute in a number of roles, firstly with responsibility for our advocacy efforts, and then most recently taking the organization to a higher level as president. His commitment and efforts are well appreciated,” added Glenn Kellow.

Under Tim's leadership the Nickel Institute will continue to promote the appropriate use of nickel globally; advocate for the appropriate application of health and environment regulation based on sound science as well as advance the knowledge of nickel health and environment issues through its science division NiPERA.