System tracking software

Intelligence made simple

Mining and smelting operations use analysis and tracking tools from Design Maintenance Systems Inc. (DMSI) for simplifying and streamlining maintena

Mining and smelting operations use analysis and tracking tools from Design Maintenance Systems Inc. (DMSI) for simplifying and streamlining maintenance practices, prolonging working time of physical assets, and improving operational reliability in harsh environments.

MAINTelligence InspectCE is an inspection tracking software application that runs on a PDA, providing rounds-based data from inspection of maintenance, operations asset, lubrication management, and safety, health and environmental systems.

The product captures data on the condition of assets, and alerts personnel of anomalies in operations and safety, facilitating early detection of problems and preventive monitoring.

“We have a Workflow Module, which allows us to communicate to almost any CMMS system, and we can build a database easily using our import/export engine,” said Michelle Poitras, marketing administrator with DMSI. “We also have low-cost trials to help justify the capital expense.”

InspectCE displays asset identification using bar codes and RFID tags, pre-inspection and alarm indication notes, parts lists and work orders.

“This means no more paperwork,” said Poitras, “and the proactive approach to maintenance means no more fire fighting.”