Surrey’s Sonic Drill Corp wins technology development award

Ray Roussy receives technology development award. — Photo courtesy International Mining Technology Hall of Fame/Sonic Drill Corp. The Mining Technolo

Ray Roussy receives technology development award. — Photo courtesy International Mining Technology Hall of Fame/Sonic Drill Corp.

The Mining Technology Hall of Fame for development and commercialization of sonic drilling technology for use in mineral exploration recent handed out an award to Canadian engineer Ray Roussy.

“I’m delighted to be recognized by the International Mining Technology Hall of Fame,” said Ray Roussy, in an interview, who is president of the Sonic Drill Corporation and Sonic Drilling Ltd. “This award is one of the outcomes of nearly four decades of research and development.”

Mr. Roussy was quick to recognize his staff in his award acceptance speech, when he said, “A big thank-you to all my employees who traveled the innovation highway with me – no matter where it took us.” The award ceremonies gala dinner took place in Denver, Colorado.

Ray Roussy a longtime innovator holds dozens of patents involving sonic drilling technology and commercialization.

Surrey, B.C.- based, Sonic drill rigs, are patented and built by the Sonic Drill Corporation. They are in use on six continents in diverse applications and configurations. The drilling technology provides a number of substantial advantages through its extreme high speed (three to five times faster) as well as its ability to core easily through mixed soils without jamming up or requiring a rig switch out, the company states in recent news releases. They also point out that only a sonic drill can recover a continuous core including boulders, clays, silt, sand and gravel and lay it in its stratigraphic sequence – from the surface all the way down to 100 metres (300 feet) and beyond.