Statement from Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology on exemption from American steel and aluminum

Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology. — Photo courtesy BC NDP Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology, has issued the

Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology. — Photo courtesy BC NDP

Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology, has issued the following statement, following U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to exempt Canada from new American tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum exports:

“As minister responsible for international trade, today’s decision is good news for Kitimat and the people of B.C.

“More than 1,000 people earn their living in the aluminum and steel industries in our province. Canada’s exports of steel and aluminum are important to Canadian jobs and the economy, with Canada being the top supplier of steel and aluminum to the U.S.

“We will continue to work closely with the federal government to fight any unfair tariffs in the future.

“We will stand up and protect workers and jobs in B.C., whenever they are threatened.”