Rio Tinto to mine publishing world with custom magazine of their own

Rio Tinto to publish Mines to Market magazine. — Photo courtesy Reuters. Mining is a dynamic sector and Rio Tinto is embracing the changes in markets

Rio Tinto to publish Mines to Market magazine. — Photo courtesy Reuters.

Mining is a dynamic sector and Rio Tinto is embracing the changes in markets, innovation and technology in a variety of ways.

At Rio Tinto they are planning a new magazine to reflect the way the company is working and developing.

Mines to Markets will start publication later this year. It will cover the activities for which they are well known: exploring for and finding metals and minerals; developing and operating mines; processing and delivering products to their customers.

Today’s miners have to work just as hard above the ground as they do below it. But we have tended to shed more light on what we do underground than what we accomplish on the surface.

Mining is increasingly challenging: we are pushing the boundaries of geography, the margins of geology and the frontiers of technology to meet the seemingly inexorable demand for what we produce as the world’s population grows, urbanises and industrialises.

If we are to gain access to the resources to meet that demand, governments must see us as the developer of choice. We need to show them that our vision of sustainable development can bring prosperity to their communities and that we will leave legacies of social and economic development and regeneration when the mining is done.

Mines to Markets will help Rio Tinto demonstrate how their commercial imperative is aligned with their respect for the people who host their operations and their stewardship of land, air and water. In Mines to Markets we will show how we further our reputation for having a minimal effect on the environment, for protecting biodiversity,
combating climate change and running the company with good governance and transparency.

Technology and innovation are playing ever increasing roles in what miners do. Mines to Markets will explain how Rio Tinto encourages new ideas and applies technology to make them a safer and more productive business.

Rio Tinto sells its customers the right metals and minerals at the right time and at the right price. Mines to Markets will explain how they involve customers from the time they start developing their operations to when they deliver them our products, and beyond. They will show how commodities they dig out of the ground are transformed by customers into products that are high-tech; are objects of desire; keep people and nations powered and on the move or are the very foundations for growing economies.