Rare $10 million 7.5 carat flawless blue diamond arrives in Canada

Flawless Management's CEO, Kashif Khan is bringing a rare $10 million flawless 7.5 carat fancy blue diamond to Canada. Pictured is a high end diamond

Flawless Management's CEO, Kashif Khan is bringing a rare $10 million flawless 7.5 carat fancy blue diamond to Canada. Pictured is a high end diamond from Tiffany's. — Photo: Tiffany's Diamonds

TORONTO, April 12, 2017 /CNW/ - In celebration of a new investment fund announcement, Flawless Management's CEO, Kashif Khan is bringing a rare $10 million flawless 7.5 carat fancy blue diamond to Canada, along with other rare coloured diamonds, for investors to examine.

Flawless Management is the first and only fund trust of its kind in Canada, allowing Canadians to invest in rare coloured diamonds. Investors are able to diversify by gaining exposure to the rare coloured diamond market through various federally registered saving accounts, such as RRSPs, TFSAs and RESPs.

With Flawless Management's signature Fancy RRSP Feature account, investors are able to reap the benefits of the ascending valuation in rare coloured diamonds, while applying the investment amount to their RRSP deduction contributions. This provides investors with immediate tax relief on their precious investment.

"Rare coloured diamonds have offered investors all of the benefits of more conventional hard assets like gold, but their price performance has been much stronger. Pink diamonds have increased in value almost 400% in the last ten years," says Flawless Management's CEO, Kashif Khan.

For more information about Flawless Management, visit the website at www.flawlessmgt.com

Flawless Management is an asset management firm specializing in buying and selling fancy coloured diamonds, with the firm headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Flawless Management is committed to creating value for investors and growing clients' portfolios through active management of assets in the portfolio. The objective is to produce long-term appreciation of a diversified portfolio of exceptional fancy coloured diamonds.

SOURCE Flawless Management