Over 1.5 Million EPA comments on Pebble Mine Bristol Bay according to Earthworks

— Photo courtesy Northern Dynasty Minerals Earthworks Conservation Society is championing the fact that over 1.5 million comments have been register

— Photo courtesy Northern Dynasty Minerals

Earthworks Conservation Society is championing the fact that over 1.5 million comments have been registered with the EPA.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received approximately 700,000 comments in support of its plan to use its Clean Water Act authority to restrict mine waste disposal from the Pebble Mine proposed in Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed. When combined with previous public input, over 1.5 million comments have been submitted in favor of Bristol Bay protection, including broad and diverse support from Alaska Native Tribes, commercial fishermen, hunters and anglers, businesses like CREDO Mobile, churches, conservation groups, restaurants, jewelers and investors.

“Our economy and culture are on the line,” said Luki Akelkok, chairman of Nunamta Aulukestai, an association of ten Bristol Bay Native Tribes and corporations and a sport-fishing lodge owner. “We want the EPA to finalize these restrictions as quickly as possible to protect our salmon and our livelihoods.”

Bristol Bay is home to the world’s largest and most productive wild salmon fishery. Alaska Native Tribes and commercial fishermen petitioned the EPA in 2010 to use its authority under Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act to restrict mine waste disposal from the proposed Pebble Mine to protect the salmon fishery. The EPA’s plan, which was released for public comment in July 2014, found that even the smallest Pebble mine scenario would have significant, unacceptable impacts on salmon.

“We asked the EPA to step in to protect our salmon fishery, and they listened to us,” said Kim Williams, executive director of Nunamta Aulukestai. “Local, state and national support for protecting Bristol Bay is undeniable. Now they just have to finish the job.”

EPA will decide whether to withdraw its plan or recommend its finalization no later than February 4th, 2015.

The Pebble Mine is proposed by the Northern Dynasty Partnership, which is a wholly owned Vancouver-based subsidiary of Northern Dynasty Minerals.