Northern Shield Identifies Extensive Cu Mineralization From Sampling at its Huckleberry Project
The Southern Labrador Trough in Quebec. — Photo courtesy Northern Shield Resources Inc. Northern Shield Resources Inc. ("Northern Shield") [TSXV: NR
The Southern Labrador Trough in Quebec. — Photo courtesy Northern Shield Resources Inc.
Northern Shield Resources Inc. ("Northern Shield") [TSXV: NRN] is pleased to provide results from a reconnaissance-level grab sampling program undertaken on the Huckleberry project in the southern Labrador Trough, Quebec, with grades up to 10.6% Cu and 16.9 g/t Pt+Pd+Au from outcrop. The mineralization is hosted in four different geological formations, all within close proximity to one another. Northern Shield's 100% owned Huckleberry project is being explored as a large-scale magmatic copper target with nickel and platinum group elements (PGE) credits.
The four mineralized zones, visually observed, from top to bottom are: an upper glomeroporphyritic gabbro (GPG), a vari-textured olivine melagabbro, a lower GPG and finally, the mineralized metasedimentary country rock.
Most of the mineralization observed at Huckleberry to date is hosted in the lower GPG. Eighteen samples collected from this zone average 1.55% Cu, 0.15% Ni and 1.44 g/t Pt+Pd+Au with a high of 10.6% Cu, 0.42% Ni and 16.9 g/t Pt+Pd+Au. The samples cover a strike length of 950 meters. Immediately overlying the lower GPG is a layer of medium- to coarse-grained, vari-textured olivine melagabbro. Two samples from this zone assayed 0.62% Cu, 0.27% Ni and 0.39 g/t Pt+Pd+Au and 0.95% Cu, 0.31% Ni and 0.67 g/t Pt+Pd+Au. The sulphide mineralization consists of fine to coarse-grained, pristine interstitial and net-textured chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. The width and extent of the olivine melagabbro layer is unknown. Approximately 50 meters above the olivine melagabbro, mineralization was observed in the upper GPG. A single sample from this area assayed 0.82% Cu, 0.04% Ni and 0.89 g/t Pt+Pd+Au. Replacement-style copper mineralization was also discovered in portions of the metasedimentary country rock which hosts the intrusion. A single sample from one such location assayed 1.6% Cu and 0.97 g/t Pt+Pd+Au.
A government sponsored airborne electromagnetic (EM) survey was flown over the entire region in 1986. A distinct, moderately strong EM anomaly is located 150 meters east of the occurrence. It is parallel to the mineralization and can also be traced for 1.2 kilometers. As the amount of disseminated sulphide (average 6%) seen in outcrop is insufficient to cause an EM conductor, the presence of the EM anomaly strongly suggests that the amount of mineralization seen on the surface increases to the east (down-dip).
A fifth zone with Cu-Ni-(PGE) mineralization was also identified two kilometers away, on the northeast side of the property, but has lower overall values with five samples averaging 0.23% Cu and 0.14% Ni.
"We are remarkably encouraged and optimistic with what our geologist uncovered in just a day and a half on the property," states Northern Shield President and CEO, Ian Bliss. "Our geologic studies and modelling over the winter suggested that there is a lot more to this target than we first thought and results are now beginning to support that. We not only see extensive copper mineralization, but we see it in three or four geological settings. Such features are generally indicative of large systems. The very high PGE values are also an indication of a segregated magmatic copper system. There are also numerous other mineralized zones that were spotted during a helicopter reconnaissance of the property that have yet to be sampled."

Huckleberry Project, an area in Quebec which is part of Northern Shield's mining exploration. — Photo courtesy Northern Shield Resources Inc.
Huckleberry is being explored as a large-scale magmatic copper target with nickel and PGE credits. However, Ni-Cu-PGE deposits are sometimes zoned with nickel-rich cores grading to copper-rich zones at the top and peripheries. If such a nickel-rich portion exists at Huckleberry, it may be contiguous with the copper rich portions at depth or in a separate body.
Northern Shield is planning an intensive sampling program and airborne EM survey to better define the interpreted anomalies from the regional 1986 survey.
The reconnaissance program at Huckleberry was overseen by Christine Vaillancourt, P. Geo., and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101. Samples were analyzed by ALS Global in Sudbury, Ontario and in Vancouver, BC, for Au, Pt and Pd by Fire Assay with ICP-AES finish and base metals by four acid digestion and ICP-AES.
Northern Shield Resources Inc. is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company built around its platinum group element (PGE) expertise, which forms the basis of its exploration in eastern Canada.
SOURCE: Northern Shield Resources Inc.