NexGen Energy announces winter drilling results

NexGen Energy Ltd. (TSX-V: NXE) ("NexGen" or the "Company") is pleased to announce ongoing results from our winter 2015 drilling program at our 100%

NexGen Energy Ltd. (TSX-V: NXE) ("NexGen" or the "Company") is pleased to announce ongoing results from our winter 2015 drilling program at our 100% owned Rook I property, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan.

The reported results are highlighted by angled drill hole AR-15-44b, which has substantially expanded the high grade core of the A2 shear. Angled drill hole AR-15-44b is located 76 m along strike to the southwest from vertical drill hole AR-14-30 (63.5m at 7.54% U3O8, see October 6th, 2014 news release), and has intersected some of the strongest off-scale (>10,000 to >61,000 cps) radioactivity at Arrow to date associated primarily with dense accumulations of semi-massive to massive pitchblende mineralization.


· Angled drill hole AR-15-44b intersected 190.70 m total composite mineralization including 40.45 m off-scale radioactivity (>10,000 to >61,000 cps) within a 519.0 m section (430.5 m to 949.5 m). Hole -44b is located at the presently defined southwest extent of Arrow, and the true width of the A2 shear in this hole is 48.3 m;

· Angled drill hole AR-15-43a intersected 92.0 m total composite mineralization including 3.15 m off-scale radioactivity (>10,000 to 60,100 cps) within a 501.5 m section (346.0 m to 847.5 m);

· Angled drill hole AR-15-42a intersected 68.9 m total composite mineralization including 1.35 m off-scale radioactivity (10,000 to 49,000 cps) was intersected within a 592.5 m section (142.5 to 735.0 m);

· The high grade core of the A2 shear is thus far defined by an 88 m strike length, 340 m vertical extent, and true widths ranging from approximately 11.0 to 48.3 m.

· The high grade core of the A3 shear is thus far defined by a 73 m strike length, 420 m vertical extent, and true widths ranging from approximately 30.0 to 78.6 m.

· The Arrow zone is currently at an area of 515 x 215 m with the vertical extent of mineralization commencing from 100 to 920 m, and it remains open in all directions and at depth.

· 43 of 45 drill holes completed at Arrow to date have intersected uranium mineralization (as defined by uranium assay or the presence of >500 cps radioactivity using an RS-125 gamma spectrometer).

Garrett Ainsworth, NexGen's Vice-President, Exploration and Development, commented "Angled drill hole AR-15-44b has taken the Arrow zone to the next level with almost three times more >61,000 cps total composite off-scale radioactivity than in vertical hole AR-14-30, which is located 76 m along strike to the northeast within the A2 shear. Arrow now has significant off-scale mineralization at both the southwest and northeast extents, which we will aggressively follow up on in our summer drill program. Other mineralized intersections from AR-15-42a and -43a continue to confirm continuity, and increase the extents within the high grade cores of the A2 and A3 shears.

Leigh Curyer, Chief Executive Officer commented, "AR-15-44b is clearly another significant result in expanding Arrow. The drilling methodology of bold step outs keeps delivering outstanding results and the Company is confident of being in a position to deliver an initial resource estimate prior to the end of 2015."

See website for full drill details

About NexGen

NexGen is a British Columbia corporation with a focus on the acquisition, exploration and development of Canadian uranium projects. NexGen has a highly experienced team of exploration professionals with a track record in the discovery of basement and unconformity-style uranium deposits in Canada.

NexGen owns a portfolio of highly prospective uranium exploration assets in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada, including a 100% interest in Rook I, location of the Arrow Discovery, immediately adjacent to the northeast of the Fission/Alpha JV Patterson Lake South Discovery, and an option to earn a 70% interest in the Radio Project, immediately adjacent to Rio Tinto's Roughrider Deposit.

The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 and reviewed on behalf of NexGen Energy Ltd., by Garrett Ainsworth, P.Geo., Vice President – Exploration & Development, a qualified person.