Mining Association of BC is monitoring the Mount Polley tailings dam incident

— Photo courtesy Cariboo Mining Association The Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC) is following very closely the events related to the Mo

— Photo courtesy Cariboo Mining Association

The Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC) is following very closely the events related to the Mount Polley incident. The breach of the tailings dam at Mount Polley mine is a serious concern and MABC is thankful that there have been no reports of loss of life or injury.

We understand that the situation has been stabilized. There are experts currently on-the-ground assessing the situation and determining a plan for addressing the event and its impacts. The focus going forward must be on fully understanding the underlying causes and the environmental or socio-economic impact of the incident.

It is important to note that tailings dam failures are very rare both globally and in the province. Tailings dams have a high safety record in Canada. Canadian Dam Safety Guidelines and the provincial regulatory framework are among the most stringent and comprehensive in the world.

Tailings ponds and mining operations are designed to be safe to its employees and communities in which it operates. Industry and government will learn from this incident and will work collectively to prevent it from happening in the future.