Mining Association of B.C. commends new resources for Ministry in Budget 2019

Lindsay Kislock, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, MABC. — Photo courtesy Mining Association of B.C. The Mining Association of BC (MABC) commends t

Lindsay Kislock, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, MABC. — Photo courtesy Mining Association of B.C.

The Mining Association of BC (MABC) commends the government for its Budget 2019 commitment of $20 million, over three years, in additional funding for the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. MABC has continually advocated for an adequately resourced system that functions with clarity, consistency and co-ordination. This advocacy was echoed in the recommendations from the Mining Jobs Task Force (MJTF) which acknowledged that competitiveness challenges facing the mining industry must be addressed.

"MABC is pleased to see the commitment to address some of the competitiveness challenges facing the mining sector – now is the time to work collaboratively to implement and fund the Task Force's recommendations," said Lindsay Kislock, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, MABC.

Mining is a highly-competitive industry, where products are traded globally. "Tax and regulatory conditions can materially impact jurisdictional investment. Volatility in global commodity markets persists and B.C. has some significant competitiveness challenges compared to other mining jurisdictions which can impact jobs and economic growth in communities across the province," continued Kislock.

Budget 2019 also provides $168 million over three years for the CleanBC Program for industry to support large industrial producers like mines to reduce GHG emissions through targeted incentives. "The B.C. mining industry is a critical partner in moving B.C. and the world towards a lower carbon future," stated Kislock. "MABC looks forward to working with government in the near term to finalize the details of this program to ensure B.C. mines, who are some of the lowest carbon emitting operators in the world, can compete in global markets."

The Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC) is the voice of mining in BC, representing operating coal, metal and industrial mineral producers in the province. Our mandate is to support a strong and thriving mining industry that creates opportunities and wealth for all British Columbians. In 2016, the mining industry in BC contributed $8.7 billion to the BC economy and $650 million in direct payments to government, and 30,000 jobs through direct and indirect employment.