Mining agreement builds training opportunities throughout British Columbia

The BC Centre of Training Excellence in Mining has made it easier for British Columbians to train for careers in mineral exploration and mining, thank

The BC Centre of Training Excellence in Mining has made it easier for British Columbians to train for careers in mineral exploration and mining, thanks to a MOU signed with five public post-secondary institutions. — Photo courtesy

The B.C. Centre of Training Excellence in Mining (CTEM) has made it easier for British Columbians to train for careers in mineral exploration and mining, thanks to a memorandum of understanding signed today with five public post-secondary institutions in the province.

The agreement initiates a pilot project that will offer students the opportunity to complete up to a full year of the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) mineral exploration and mining technology diploma at the following institutions:

  • The College of New Caledonia (CNC),
  • Northwest Community College (NWCC),
  • Okanagan College (OC) and
  • Thompson Rivers University (TRU).

Students who complete the diploma program can also apply their education toward a degree in mining and mineral resources engineering at BCIT.

CTEM was announced in November 2012 and launched on May 23, 2013. Hosted by NWCC, CTEM is a provincewide virtual hub that connects the mining and mineral industries, communities and public post-secondary institutions throughout the province to ensure students receive targeted training that will give them in-demand skills for these industries.

Since 2012, the Ministry of Advanced Education has provided $500,000 in operating support to CTEM for co-ordination of mining training at public post-secondary institutions in the province.

Minister of Advanced Education Andrew Wilkinson –

“This pilot project will give more students the opportunity to take the first year of a diploma in mining and mineral exploration at five public post-secondary institutions throughout B.C.

"Employers and the public post-secondary education system are working together to ensure that students have the skills that industry requires.”

Minister of Energy and Mines Bill Bennett –

“There is a demand for skilled workers in the B.C. mining sector. Partnerships through the B.C. Centre of Training Excellence in Mining with post-secondary institutions across the province provide opportunities for students to develop crucial skills for a career in mining and mineral exploration.”

British Columbia Institute of Technology president Kathy Kinloch –

“BCIT is proud to be working with the mineral exploration and mining industry in B.C. as well as institutions throughout the province to prepare students for long-term career success.

"Together, we are training capable, career-ready workers with the skills necessary to contribute to the growing B.C. economy.”

Rob Stevens, associate dean of Natural Resources and Engineering at BCIT –

“This agreement will allow BCIT and our education partners to use innovative technologies to connect students from across the province by allowing them to connect with industry and with one another.

"The initiative will use a blended learning-model that combines online learning and video conferencing at BCIT with classroom learning at our partner institutions.”

B.C. Centre of Training Excellence in Mining advisory council chair Dave Lefebure –

“The B.C. Centre of Training Excellence in Mining wants to thank all participating partners for their role in helping to build the mineral exploration and mining industry in B.C.

"Local industries desire to find locally trained, skilled workers.

"This pilot program is an opportunity to provide outstanding training opportunities for the mining and mineral exploration professionals of tomorrow, often starting right in their own communities.”

Gavin C. Dirom, president and CEO of the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia –

“This Memorandum of Understanding strengthens the relationship between public post-secondary institutions in British Columbia and the mineral exploration and development industry.

"AME BC applauds and supports the B.C. Centre of Training Excellence in Mining and all participating institutions on helping to provide skilled workers for the dynamic mineral exploration and development industry, which provides career opportunities in more than 50 communities in all regions of B.C.”

Karina Briño, president and CEO of the Mining Association of BC –

“MABC welcomes the commitment demonstrated through this memorandum of understanding to skills training programs.

"The partnership between the B.C. Centre of Training Excellence in Mining and these post-secondary institutions provides an opportunity for industry to build the mining workforce of tomorrow.”