Former Heritage Minister James Moore has been named federal Industry Minister, replacing Christian Paradis as part of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’

Former Heritage Minister James Moore has been named federal Industry Minister, replacing Christian Paradis as part of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s cabinet shuffle.

John Baird remains in Foreign Affairs while Tony Clement remains president of Treasury Board. Ed Fast kept his job as international trade minister.

Kellie Leitch takes over the labour portfolio from Lisa Raitt, who was named new transport minister.

Other new additions, unveiled this morning via Harper’s Twitter feed, include:

  • Shelly Glover replaces Moore on the Heritage file
  • Michelle Rempel named minister of state for western economic diversification.
  • Rona Ambrose, previously minister of public works, was appointed minister of health
  • Pierre Poilievre becomes minister of state for democratic reform
  • Julian Fantino becomes minister of veteran’s affairs
  • Kerry-Lynne Findlay minister of national revenue
  • Alberta MP Kevin Sorenson becomes minister of state for finance
  • Greg Rickford becomes minister of state for science and technology
  • Bernard Valcourt has been re-appointed as aboriginal affairs minister
  • Jason Kenney moved to human resources and skills development
  • Current health minister Leona Aglukkaq moved to minister of environment, CanNor and the Arctic Council.
  • Christian Paradis was moved to international development and minister for La Francophonie

Long-serving ministers Peter MacKay and Rob Nicholson swapped jobs. MacKay is now the justice minister and Nicholson becomes defence minister.

Both Moore and Paradis are involved in a flap where Canada’s first astronaut, current Liberal MP Marc Garneau, was snubbed at the unveiling of a Canadarm display at the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum that featured dozens of VIPs.

The shuffle has been billed as the biggest since Harper took power in 2006, although a number of Conservative stalwarts, including Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, are staying put.

See the full, current cabinet roster here.