Invitation to 2012 Kamloops Mining Week Reception

The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) and the Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC) invite you to a special luncheon on Thursday, May 10 as part of the City of Kamloops proclaimed Mining Week and the province’s Mining Month celebrations.

When: Thursday May 10, 2012

11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Where: Kamloops Convention Centre
1250 Rogers Way
Salon A/B

Cost: Free

Please RVSP by May 3rd, 2012 to Sabine Cheng [email protected] or 604-681-1407.

There will also be a pre-lunch reception hosted by the Mining Suppliers Association of British Columbia.

MAC President and CEO, Pierre Gratton, will be the keynote speaker at the luncheon, where he will discuss the opportunities and challenges for the mining sector in the Kamloops region, as well as across B.C. and Canada.