The Windsor Gold Mining and Exploration Inc. property is located in the central interior of British Columbia near Barkerville. — Photo courtesy Winds

The Windsor Gold Mining and Exploration Inc. property is located in the central interior of British Columbia near Barkerville. — Photo courtesy Windsor Gold Mining and Exploration Inc.

There’s gold fever in Barkerville, where mining companies are pouring money into exploration, mining and seeking investors.

No, this isn’t an historical story about the gold rush era. At least two companies are investing large amounts of time, resources and finances to extract the huge deposits of gold they are confident remain below the ground.

“The Barkerville area has huge gold that hasn’t even been discovered yet,” Windsor Gold Mining and Exploration Inc. president/CEO Adrian Laprise said.

Windsor Gold Mining and Exploration Inc. was incorporated as a Canadian company in September, 2011 and they are now looking for investors.

The company holds property east of Barkerville. As a junior (small) mining company they find precious metals for other people, however exploration of the Barkerville property they purchased in 1996 proved to have lots of gold and Windsor is now looking to mine the property.

In order to do this, Windsor Gold Mining is looking to list on the stock market in order to sell 750 million shares at an initial offering of 25 cents a share.

“Once we get on the stock market, we have a five-year mining program on Canadian Creek,” Laprise said. “We plan more exploration this year and mining to begin in 2013.”

Although investors are welcome to purchase shares right now from Laprise at the initial price of 25 cents each, once the company is listed on the Canadian National Stock Exchange, demand could send those prices much higher.

“After we’re on the stock exchange, any broker who has the three-letter ticker and the name of the company can purchase these stocks,” Laprise said.

Laprise said they estimate Canadian Creek will produce about 162,000 ounces and with the current market value of the precious mineral, that’s a lot of money for shareholders.

“We expect the depth of the gold to range from 12 to 60 feet and plan to conduct open-pit mining,” he said.

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