Engineering regulator welcomes inquiry into Mount Polley Mine dam breach

BC Mines Minister Bill Bennett announced Mt Polley inquiry earlier this week. The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (APEG

BC Mines Minister Bill Bennett announced Mt Polley inquiry earlier this week.

The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (APEGBC) today welcomed the independent inquiry announced by the Provincial government into the Mount Polley Mine dam breach.

"As the regulator for engineering and geoscience in BC, public safety is APEGBC's first concern," said Ann English, P.Eng., APEGBC CEO and Registrar. "We must ensure an accident like this never happens again, and expect to see the inquiry announced today get to the facts."

Earlier today, the government of British Columbia announced an independent inquiry by geotechnical experts into the breach at the Mount Polley Dam in conjunction with mandated third-party reviews of all 2014 dam safety inspections for tailing ponds at BC mines.

APEGBC will provide its expertise to the investigation when and where it's required, said English. Should there be an indication that engineering or geoscience practices were at fault, APEGBC will follow up with a detailed investigation of its own.

"APEGBC expects resource development projects to be conducted safely and professionally, and is committed to upholding high standards of professional practice for BC engineers and geoscientists as they undertake this work," said English.

In 2013, APEGBC created professional practice guidelines for dam safety reviews. This year, these guidelines were updated with a section on mining dams. These guidelines outline the standard of care and the specific tasks to be provided by professional engineers or geoscientists conducting this work and assist them in exercising best practices.

Founded in 1920, APEGBC is the regulatory and licensing body for the professions of engineering and geoscience in British Columbia. With over 29,000 members, APEGBC is one of the largest professional associations in BC.

Source: Market wire