East Kootenay MLA and BC Mines & Energy Minister announces he won’t seek re-election

Bill Bennett has served 16 years as an MLA for the East Kootenay region. — Photo courtesy BC government After 16 years serving as the MLA for the Ea

Bill Bennett has served 16 years as an MLA for the East Kootenay region. — Photo courtesy BC government

After 16 years serving as the MLA for the East Kootenay, Bill Bennett has announced that he will step aside from seeking re-election next year.

“I am in my sixteenth year of serving the people of Kootenay East. My motivation as an MLA has always been to help people in the riding and throughout British Columbia and to do what I can, as a minister and MLA, to help grow the economy. I want to thank Premier Christy Clark for giving me the opportunity to serve as a minister in her government – a government that leads Canada in economic growth and job creation," stated Bill Bennett, in a press release.

First elected in 2001, Bill Bennett has held several high profile cabinet positions in the B.C. government including being Tourism Minister. He is currently serving as B.C's Minister of Mine and Energy.

“Although I still love the job, I know in my heart it is time to step aside and allow renewal here in Kootenay East. I look forward to spending more time in the mountains with my wife, Beth, my two sons, daughter-in-law and grand-daughter. And I look forward to finding other meaningful things to do with my energy and time,” Bennett added.

As part of his portfolio he has headed up the government's Core Review process. Asked in a CBC interview what accomplishments he is most proud of, Bill Bennett listed several including turning the Cranbrook Hospital into the East Kootenay Regional Hospital which now serves the entire region and moving forward on the Site-C project in northern B.C.

Bill Bennett says he will stay on as Kootenay MLA until the 2017 spring election.

William "Bill" Bennett (born 1950) is a Canadian politician. Since 2001, Bennett has represented the riding of East Kootenay in the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. He is a member of the British Columbia Liberal Party and was appointed as Minister of Energy and Mines, and Minister Responsible for Core Review on June 10, 2013 by Premier Christy Clark. He previously served as Minister for Community Sport and Cultural Development, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Minister of Community and Rural Development, Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, and Minister of State for Mining. Bennett has chaired the BC Legislative Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, and chaired the BC Legislative Special Committee on Cosmetic Pesticides. He has been a member of various legislative committees and government committees, particularly focused on land use and natural resource issues. Before being elected, Bennett was a partner in a law firm in Cranbrook. He also owned and operated fly-in wilderness fishing and hunting lodges in the Northwest Territories and Manitoba.

In 1976, Bennett earned an honours degree in English from the University of Guelph. In 1992, he received a law degree from Queen's University. He practiced law in Cranbrook, British Columbia for some time before becoming elected an MLA for East Kootenay in 2001.

On June 16, 2005, Bennett was appointed to cabinet as B.C.'s Minister of State for Mining. He resigned from this position on February 6, 2007.

On June 23, 2008, Bennett was re-appointed to cabinet as B.C.'s Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts. He was re-elected in May, 2009.

In June 2009, he was appointed as B.C.'s Minister of Community & Rural Development.

In June 2010, he was appointed as B.C.'s Minister of Energy where he served until November 17, 2010.

In June 2013, he was appointed as B.C.'s Minister of Energy and Mines and Minister Responsible for Core Review.

In June 2016, he announced he would not seek re-election in the spring of 2017.