Dominion Diamond Corporation reports MVEIRB’s recommendation for approval of Jay Project

The Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board has completed an environmental assessment for the Jay Project and recommended that the project

The Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board has completed an environmental assessment for the Jay Project and recommended that the project be approved. — Photo courtesy Dominion Diamond Corporation

Feb. 1, 2016-- Dominion Diamond Corporation is pleased to report that the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (“MVEIRB”) has completed its Report of Environmental Assessment for the Jay Project and has recommended that the Jay Project be approved, subject to the measures described in the Report.

The Report has been sent to the Minister of Lands, the Honourable Robert C. McLeod. The Report can be found here.

Brendan Bell, Chief Executive Officer, commented, “Dominion thanks the MVEIRB for their work on the project and looks forward to a timely decision by the Minister. We would also like to thank all the communities for their active interest and participation throughout the environmental assessment process.”

Jay is the most significant undeveloped deposit at Ekati and has the potential to extend the mine life approximately 10 to 11 years beyond the current projected closure in 2020 to at least 2030. The Company’s timetable for the development of Jay assumes permitting will be completed in 2016 with the start of construction in the second half of that year. In 2020, the project would supply approximately half of the ore to the process plant as Jay mining activities ramp up and the existing ore sources are exhausted.