Diavik wind farm wins CanWEA award

One of the four turbines upon arrival at the Diavik Diamond Mine. — Photo courtesy Diavik Diamond Mine. Diavik Diamond Mines Inc., operator of the Di

One of the four turbines upon arrival at the Diavik Diamond Mine. — Photo courtesy Diavik Diamond Mine.

Diavik Diamond Mines Inc., operator of the Diavik Diamond Mine in Canada's Northwest Territories, is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the Canadian Wind Energy (CanWEA) 2013 Group Leadership Award.

Diavik was selected for its four turbine, 9.2 megawatt wind project constructed at its mine site at Lac de Gras, 300 kilometres northeast of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.

With the successful installation of its wind farm, operational since September 2012, Diavik is a global leader in cold climate, off-grid renewable energy and operator of the world's largest wind-diesel hybrid power facility.

During its first year of operations, the wind farm, constructed at a cost of $31 million, has reduced the mine's diesel fuel consumption by 3 million litres. On average, the wind farm has supplied 7 per cent of the mine's power needs peaking at 58 per cent. Located on the subarctic tundra, it is the first large-scale wind farm constructed in the Northwest Territories.

First awarded in 2001, the CanWEA Group Leadership Award is presented annually to a government, corporation, or non-profit organization that has, through their efforts and body of work over time, contributed significantly to the advancement of wind energy in Canada.

"It is an honour to have received this award. Numerous individuals played a role in this project and everyone at Diavik shares in this recognition," said Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. President Marc Cameron.

"Our investment in this project, and our work to ensure its success, demonstrates our commitment to environmental protection and shows wind power is a viable power source in remote cold climates," he added.

The Diavik Diamond Mine, located 300 km. northeast of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, is an unincorporated joint venture between Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. (60%) and Dominion Diamond Diavik Limited Partnership (40%). Both companies are headquartered in Yellowknife, Canada. DDMI is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto plc of London, England, and Dominion Diamond Diavik Limited Partnership is wholly owned by Dominion Diamond Corporation of Yellowknife.