APEGBC and AME BC sign Memorandum of Understanding

(L-R) Gavin C. Dirom, AME BC, David McLelland, AME BC, Dr. John Clague, APEGBC, Tony Chong, APEGBC — Photo courtesy www.apeg.bc.ca Vancouver, BC

(L-R) Gavin C. Dirom, AME BC, David McLelland, AME BC, Dr. John Clague, APEGBC, Tony Chong, APEGBC — Photo courtesy www.apeg.bc.ca

Vancouver, BC — September 23, 2015 — The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC) and the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia (AME BC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations.

The two associations agree to cooperate to increase the prestige and esteem of professional geoscience and engineering, express a unified position on matters related to the practice of professional geoscience and engineering and work together on areas related to professional practice and professional development.

“The agreement provides AME BC and APEGBC new opportunities to jointly advance the engineering and geoscience professions in BC,” says Dr. John Clague, P.Geo., FGC, President of APEGBC. "Both organizations have a common interest in ensuring public safety and excellence in our professions.”

“For nearly a century, our two associations have encouraged best practices in the mineral exploration and development sector,” says David McLelland, M.Sc.D., PGDip. (F.R.G.S.), Chair of AME BC. “The signing gives AME BC the opportunity to formalize the strong relationship between our two organizations and recognize the authority of BC’s professional engineers and geoscientists. It also emphasizes the importance of BC’s internationally renowned mineral exploration and development sector.”