Amec Foster Wheeler signs MOU with Muskowekwan First Nations and Encanto Potash Corp

— Photo courtesy Encanto Potash Corp. Amec Foster Wheeler has announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Muskowekwan Res

— Photo courtesy Encanto Potash Corp.

Amec Foster Wheeler has announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Muskowekwan Resources Ltd (MRL), a wholly-owned operating company of the Muskowekwan First Nations and Encanto Potash Corp.

MRL and Encanto have a joint venture agreement to develop the Muskowekwan Potash Project - the first mining project in Saskatchewan, Canada, on First Nations land.

The MOU sets forth the terms of engagement under which Amec Foster Wheeler aims to provide First Nations members and businesses with opportunities for employment, training, and mentoring during each phase of the project, and is part of the company’s approach to sustainability that includes integrating social, environmental and economic conditions into the company’s values and operations. This includes establishing and maintaining the social license to operate and integrating sustainability goals into the early stages of every project.

Muskowekwan, a Saulteaux (Ojibway) First Nation located approximately 140 km northeast of Regina, will receive a revenue stream through its participation in the project, and will be supported by engineering experts from Amec Foster Wheeler.

Duane Gingrich, Senior Vice President, North America for Amec Foster Wheeler’s Mining business said:

“The foundation of the Memorandum of Understanding is based on our strong relationship with the Muskowkwan First Nation community. We are truly honoured to have signed this historic agreement that will help foster a culture of economic independence, ownership, and entrepreneurship amongst First Nations and local communities.

Muskowekwan Chief and MRL President Reg Bellerose said:

“We look forward to working with Amec Foster Wheeler on this significant agreement to advance this opportunity. This agreement is a good step towards our goal of generating our own source revenues and providing access to training and employment for our people.”

Encanto Potash Corp., President and CEO Stavros Daskos said:

“Working with Amec Foster Wheeler since their introduction to Encanto by Chief Bellerose has been an enormous help for the project. The team is always available, detail oriented and very devoted to helping us succeed. This relationship is exemplary of how First Nations business people, engineers, and international corporations work together on building industry to secure the future.”