Edie Thome, Association for Mineral Exploration’s (AME) President and CEO — Photo courtesy AME/Edie Thome The B.C. Budget 2019 announcement includes

Edie Thome, Association for Mineral Exploration’s (AME) President and CEO — Photo courtesy AME/Edie Thome

The B.C. Budget 2019 announcement includes meaningful support for the mineral exploration and mining industry. Items submitted by The Association for Mineral Exploration (AME) in the public budgeting process were acknowledged in the B.C. Budget 2019 and include additional funds to the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources for new staff to increase oversight, improve permitting timelines and support indigenous engagement, all key priorities for the industry. Also reflected in the budget is funding to begin the implementation of the consensus actions put forward by the Mining Jobs Task Force in late 2018.

The Association for Mineral Exploration’s (AME) President and CEO, Edie Thome, noted:

“The provincial government has acknowledged the consensus report submitted by the Mining Jobs Task Force and the B.C. Budget 2019 gives evidence that there is a commitment to moving forward with all of the actions, as submitted. AME was also encouraged by the announcement at Roundup 2019 by Premier Horgan of the permanency of both the Mining Flow-Through Share tax credit and the B.C. Mining Exploration Tax Credit, which illustrates a commitment to support a strong and sustainable future for the benefit of all that call B.C. home.”

Collaboratively, the Mining Jobs Task Force will continue to work together to grow the mining industry, support long-term community sustainability and promote reconciliation with indigenous peoples while ultimately working towards contributing to our low-carbon future.

Kendra Johnston, Chair of the Board of Directors for AME, commented:

“We are encouraged by the level of support displayed through the B.C. Budget 2019 and the announcements made at AME Roundup 2019. We will continue to work to ensure our industry is supported to facilitate a responsible and sustainable future that is of world-class mineral development in British Columbia.”

AME is the lead association for the mineral exploration and development industry based in British Columbia. Established in 1912, AME represents, advocates and promotes the interests of over 5,000 members who are engaged in mineral exploration and development in B.C. and globally. AME encourages a safe, economically strong and environmentally responsible industry by providing clear initiatives, policies, events and tools to support its membership in delivering responsible projects that advance reconciliation and provide benefit to all British Columbians.