2018 CAC Community Champions Winners – Conuma Coal & Benga Mining

Employees at Conuma Coal and Benga Mining contribute to their local communities. — Photo courtesy Conuma Resources and Benga Mining Earlier this year

Employees at Conuma Coal and Benga Mining contribute to their local communities. — Photo courtesy Conuma Resources and Benga Mining

Earlier this year, The Coal Association of Canada was very excited to announce the launch of our brand-new Community Champions Awards. The awards were introduced not only as a way to encourage members of the CAC to support their local communities, but also to recognize members and their projects that have already been having a positive impact on the local and surrounding areas.

Nominations were open from April through August, 2018 and the CAC is extremely pleased to announce this year’s winners: Conuma Coal Resources and Benga Mining (operating as Riversdale Resources).

Conuma Coal Resources has been supporting the District of Tumbler Ridge, BC and surrounding area since the company started in 2015. The re-opening of the Brule, Wolverine and Willow Creek mines has had tremendous impact on the area, and with a focus on hiring local and integrating themselves into the community, they deserve to be recognized for their efforts. Specifically, Conuma’s “Project Community Engagement” has impacted 4000 community members through numerous school seminars, career development projects, leadership workshops and banquets, site tours and various speaking engagements with First Nations partners, civic groups, conferences and more.

Benga Mining, operating as Riversdale Resources has been working closely with the community and local leaders in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta and area since they began work on their future metallurgical mine in 2013. Receiving much community support for this award, Benga Mining has shown dedication to the community through various initiatives with the Chamber of Commerce, Community Futures and many other local organizations. Benga Mining’s Australia Days is one such project that has garnered much support from the community since 2014, and has raised over $50,000 for various initiatives, including new equipment for the local school. This year, all proceeds from the Australia Day dinner went to a local family facing financial hardship due to their child’s rare medical condition.

The CAC is proud to have Conuma Coal Resources and Benga Mining operating as Riversdale Resources as members of our Association. They deserve to be recognized for their dedication to bettering their communities and operating in a manner reflective of the values of the Coal Association of Canada. Congratulations on being our 2018 Community Champions.

Awards were presented to the winners at the 2018 CAC Conference Awards Reception in September at the Westin Bayshore.