York University launches world’s first MBA with a mining specialization

The mining industry has been very supportive of Schulich Business School’s new MBA program with a specialization in mining

Richard Ross, executive in residence at the Schulich School of Business at York University, is eager to launch the only MBA with a mining specializati

Richard Ross, executive in residence at the Schulich School of Business at York University, is eager to launch the only MBA with a mining specialization in the world. — Photo courtesy Elayne Shapiro

York University announced a new masters of business (MBA) degree program with a specialization in mining last winter, and the university is gearing up to launch classes this fall.

A recent surge in the mining industry has created a number of jobs in engineering and exploration, but there’s also a large demand for employees from other industries. The mining industry is booming, but there aren’t enough people who understand the mining industry getting involved. There are many opportunities available for people who can service the industry in human resources, sustainability, law and accounting practices—and the MBA degree program at York is the first to cater to students from a variety of backgrounds.

“It’s quite amazing to see the interest level from students in all walks of life,” said Richard Ross, executive in residence at the Schulich School of Business at York University, “and so we’ll cater the courses to a broad cross-section of backgrounds. That’s because when you look at the potential of jobs that are out there, there’s a variety of jobs available.”

The MBA with a specialization in mining is the first program of this nature worldwide, and it’s a direct result of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) prodding York University to make the addition. A looming shortage of executive talent has become abundantly clear, and Ross is optimistic about York’s cross-disciplinary approach.

“I think that part of it is because the industry itself is changing,” said Ross.

It’s obvious that countries around the world place a lot of value in the resource sector, and right now the industry needs to hire knowledgeable executives who can make effective decisions in regards to business strategies, shareholders or property acquisition. Ross has been successful in recruiting support from all of the contacts that he’s approached from the mining industry, and business is booming.

For more information about the MBA with a specialization in mining degree program, visit the website.