Julie Ross bring her experience to a northern chamber of mines
Julie Ross, senior archaeologist at Golder Associates, brings her northern experience to the table
1 of 2Julie Ross, senior archaeologist at Golder Associates, in the field. — Photo courtesy Golder Associates2 of 2Ross has an extensive background in
1 of 2Julie Ross, senior archaeologist at Golder Associates, in the field. — Photo courtesy Golder Associates

2 of 2Ross has an extensive background in northern environmental and regulatory issues. — Photo courtesy Golder Associates
Julie Ross, senior archaeologist at Golder Associates, has been appointed to the board of directors of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Chamber of Mines for 2013-2014.
Ross has an extensive background in northern environmental and regulatory issues. She joins 23 other mining industry representatives to help lead the chamber and advance its mission to promote responsible and sustainable mineral exploration and development in the two territories.
Ross definitely understands the framework behind working in the North.
"Before working at Golder, I lived in Igloolik, Nunavut—a small northern community—for seven years," she said. "I was the territorial archeologist there. My role there was working on the regulatory side of the environmental impact assessments. So we would review all the environmental documents and baseline data before a mine got its project certificate. I was also involved technically in the archeology side of things and was involved in intergovernmental committees. From Golder's perspective, that's why I was so appealing to the board."
Ross was hired on at Golder almost three years ago. Along with being the senior archaeologist, she also works in business development at Golder's Edmonton office.
"I absolutely love the people I work with at Golder," Ross said. "Also, the northern development aspect is really a passionate place for me, having lived in the North and (having) seen how those communities need the economic development for healthy growth. Although technically I'm an archeologist, I have a passion for the communities in the North and helping develop the North in a sustainable way. That aspect of my job really inspires me."
Ross is excited to fulfil her role on the board of directors of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Chamber of Mines and can't wait to put her skills to use within the organization.
"The board has specific action items that it sets forward every year and (its) mission includes sustainable mine development in the two territories," she said. "I'm looking forward to being able to put my own experience and expertise forward to help the chamber achieve its goals."