Teck’s Doug Horswill receives MABC Mining Person of the Year award

As part of the annual B.C. Mining Week that took place May 13 to 19, the Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC) awarded the senior vice president of Teck Resources, Doug Horswill, the 2012 MABC Mining Person of the Year award.

MABC’s goal is to honour outstanding individuals who lead by example in innovation, safety, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

Horswill has spent over 20 years in the mining industry, not just with Teck, but as deputy minister of finance and corporate relations and deputy minister of energy, mines and petroleum resources for British Columbia.

Most recently, in 2011, he spearheaded the Zinc Alliance for Child Health initiative as part of Teck’s Zinc and Health program. The program, in partnership with the Government of Canada and the Micronutrient Initiative, is aimed at providing zinc treatment programs to help save children’s lives across the world.