PrinterNet - the best way to reach your advertising market!

Take advantage of our 365,000+ total market impact which includes and reaches the most influential decision makers in the Mining and Energy sectors.

Take advantage of our 365,000+ total market impact which includes and reaches the most influential decision makers in the Mining and Energy sectors. — Photo courtesy Mining & Energy

Canadian Mining & Energy is targeted and delivered via direct-mail, placing you into the hands of over 365,000 influential decision makers, many who are in charge of multi-million dollar budgets.

Along with our many print and web options already in effect, we are introducing a new exclusive front cover campaign for 2017.

This package will provide our leading business partners with added-value and prime placement in the magazine and website, and the first opportunity to secure your positioning in future issues.

This new program is our Diamond Printernet Campaign! Printernet?.....print + internet..... the best way to reach the market! Take advantage of our 365,000+ total market impact which includes and reaches the most influential decision makers in the Mining and Energy sectors with the buying and decision-making power.

It will include a front cover presence, premium placement print insertions, web banners, and eNewsletter placements. This campaign saves you over 37% off the regular rates overall and provides a "full-court press" reaching the broadest audience.

For more information on how you can reach over 365,000 avid readers in the Mining & Energy sectors give Robert Hawkins a call at 1-800-663-8555 or email [email protected].