Nickel Institute announces retirement of Peter Cutler

Dr. Peter Cutler, the Nickel Institute’s director of promotion and marketdevelopment is retiring. After 20 years of service to the nickel industry,

Dr. Peter Cutler, the Nickel Institute’s director of promotion and marketdevelopment is retiring.

After 20 years of service to the nickel industry, Dr. Peter Cutler, the Nickel Institute’s director of promotion and market development is retiring on December 31, 2012.

Dr. Kevin Bradley, Nickel Institute president, said, “The nickel industry owes a great debt to Peter who worked tirelessly for two decades to raise awareness of nickel and its benefits in applications like stainless steel. Under Peter’s skillful stewardship, the nickel industry focused strongly on supporting and promoting the appropriate use of nickel in products and materials. On behalf of his colleagues and the members of the Nickel Institute, I would like to wish Peter all the best for a long and happy retirement.”

The Nickel Institute is finalizing the succession process for Dr. Cutler, which will see a new director of Global Market Development in place in the first half of 2013. In the meantime, the Nickel Institute has put in place interim arrangements for the management of its market development and promotion programmes.

On announcing his retirement, Dr. Cutler wished his colleagues ongoing success in their work on developing the nickel sector and in communicating on the benefits of nickel as a material. “It’s been a great experience and wonderful to be associated with a versatile metal like nickel”, said Dr. Cutler.

Dr. Cutler started work with the Nickel Development Institute (NiDI) in the UK, which in 2004 merged with the Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association (NiPERA) to form the Nickel Institute. Earlier in his career, Dr. Cutler worked for fifteen years in a nickel producer.

The Nickel Institute is a nonprofit organization that represents the interests of 24 companies which together produce more than 75% of the world’s annual nickel output.

The mission of the Nickel Institute is to promote and support the use of nickel in appropriate applications. The Nickel Institute was established in 2004, following the merger of the Nickel Development Institute (NiDI) and the Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association (NiPERA). For more information, see