New Afton raises the bar with ISO 50001 Energy Management Standards

New Afton focuses on energy management throughout every aspect of the company.

Andrew Cooper, New Afton's energy specialist — Photo courtey New Afton MineNew Gold ’s newest mine knows value beyond its minerals. New Afton, a cop

Andrew Cooper, New Afton's energy specialist — Photo courtey New Afton Mine

New Gold ’s newest mine knows value beyond its minerals. New Afton, a copper-gold mine located near Kamloops, British Columbia, has achieved an ISO 50001 standard for energy management. It is the first mine in North America to do so.

New Afton’s team focuses on the mine’s biggest energy uses: “grinding, ventilation, crushing and conveying, mobile equipment,” said Andrew Cooper, New Afton’s energy specialist. “But being a holistic approach, all aspects of the operation, from design to procurement, mining and milling operations and maintenance are included in the management of energy.”

New Afton focuses on energy management throughout every aspect of the company. “There is a high level of energy awareness, and everyone works to continually improve energy performance in everything they do,” Cooper said. Water conservation through recycling, reuse and actions to prevent water discharge; air quality and dust control; and reclamation of the mine site after production ceases are all important factors to New Afton’s energy management.

BC Hydro has played a major role in New Afton’s efficiency success. For one, BC Hydro funds a full-time energy specialist on-site at New Afton. Cooper said that his role as specialist has been important to “the implementation and maintenance of the standard.” BC Hydro also funded the improvement project for the mine’s ventilation, which saves $300,000 annually.

The workers themselves minimize waste by powering down equipment that is not in use, supporting New Gold’s belief that it is people, not systems, who manage energy. Through a great attention to detail and high company standards, New Afton maximizes savings for everyone.

All of these environmentally friendly changes benefit other areas of the mine as well. The New Afton mine has noticed operational and safety improvements, monetary savings and an improved work environment.

Reaching an ISO 50001 standard “has validated the company commitment to social responsibility and sustainable mining,” Cooper said. New Gold hopes to duplicate New Afton’s efficiency at future facilities.