Natural Forces provides an update on its Zonnebeke and Sukunka Wind Energy projects

The Zonnebeke and Sukunka Wind Energy projects are located approximately 16 kms south of Chetwynd, British Columbia. — Photo courtesy Natural Forces

The Zonnebeke and Sukunka Wind Energy projects are located approximately 16 kms south of Chetwynd, British Columbia. — Photo courtesy Natural Forces

Natural Forces, a private independent power producer that delivers renewable energy projects in partnership with local communities across Canada, provides an update on the construction of the Zonnebeke and Sukunka Wind Energy Projects. These two projects, each of which will have an installed capacity of 15 MW, are located on Crown land in the Peace River Region, approximately 16 km south of Chetwynd and 9 km west of Lone Prairie along highway 29 immediately south of the intersection of the Sukunka and Pine Rivers.

With the necessary approvals to proceed and, having completed necessary tree clearing, construction activities will begin in the coming weeks in order to ultimately commission the projects in the fall of 2020. This will mean an increase in traffic in the area as the activity on site picks up, which will start with road construction and electrical works.

During construction, vehicle access to Zonnebeke Creek Road will be controlled for safety reasons. We ask that all those accessing the site wear personal protective equipment. As a safety precaution for those working on site, we also ask that hunting activities be undertaken outside of any active construction areas. Additional restrictions may be enforced for safety reasons during specific construction activities.

Natural Forces is a private independent power producer that delivers renewable energy projects in partnership with local communities across Canada. We develop, construct, own, and operate wind, solar, and hydro projects with First Nation communities, universities, municipalities, and local community funds. Our passion is to build relationships that allow us to harness Canada’s abundant natural resources in an environmentally responsible and cost effective way. Partnering with local communities for these projects not only generates clean and renewable electricity, but delivers local economic prosperity and raises awareness of the challenges of climate change. To learn more about Natural Forces, please visit