Motion Industries Cranbrook

Opened just over one year ago, the Cranbrook branch of Motion Industries has seen steady growth and will continue to expand

Motion Industries has experienced encouraging growth over its one year of operation in Cranbrook, B.C. The six employees at this branch work hard to serve the mining, pulp-and-paper, sawmill, aggregate, and food-and-beverage industries with B.C.’s widest range of industrial parts. The company’s products include lubrication systems, conveyor pulleys and drive assemblies.

The mining industry accounts for about 40 per cent of the Cranbrook store’s business, said branch manager Aaron Jones.

“The store was opened to service the mining industry, and the other industries jumped on board,” he said. “Our edge is that our people who service the mines have a lot of expertise. We’re good with plant and mobile maintenance, and do very well in fluid power and conveying.”

New trends in safety legislation require visiting maintenance and service crews to be up to date on company-specific safety awareness training—an area in which Motion Industries is quick to stay current.

“They’ve clamped down on the safety end, so for us as a vendor, we are tasked with taking the appropriate safety training to be on site,” said Jones. “In order for us to do business with them, our people have to be better trained on safety procedures, which can take a half-hour to a full day to learn online or in person.”

Looking ahead, Jones said, he hopes to increase sales to the mining industry and expand the company’s repair and maintenance services.

“Our focus is on better serving mining operations of all sizes with conveying and lubrication systems and on the safety side,” said Jones. “We do some on-site repairs and installations and have a second service truck available to use, so we are looking to expand in that area.”

Jones said between the six staff members at the Cranbrook Motion Industries, the company has more than 100 years of experience in mining and related products.

“Good service is part of our personnel’s offering,” he said, “being in the industry for as long as we have.”

Contact information

Motion Industries Cranbrook

517C Industrial Road D

Cranbrook, BC V1C 6R8

Phone: 1-250-426-8060

Fax: 1-250-426-6138

Motion Industries Cranbrook website