Modernizing mining suppliers

The Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export (CAMESE) rebranded to become MSTA Canada.

MSTA Canada's mandate is to advocate for the mining suppliers of Canada, offer networking opportunities and prepare its members for domestic and inter

MSTA Canada's mandate is to advocate for the mining suppliers of Canada, offer networking opportunities and prepare its members for domestic and international markets. — photo courtesy MSTA Canada

The Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export (CAMESE) has announced a rebrand to become the Mining Suppliers Trade Association Canada (MSTA Canada).

“We’ve heard from members, prospects and past members who were waiting for a change,” said Ryan McEachern, managing director. “It’s been very well received from all stakeholders.”

The MSTA has a few reasons for its rebrand. The association's focus is on modernization of the organization, improving networking opportunities, building educational programs, and continuing to provide domestic and international advocacy.

“Our mandate is to be the national voice of mining suppliers, but to also grow their businesses by connecting them to opportunities,” said McEachern. McEachern joined CAMESE in September 2014. “I joined with the belief that I could make a change with the organization to take it to the next level,” he said.

McEachern started in the industry as a geologist, and worked in exploration through mine development. He then completed an MBA to move into the operational side of mining, including global supply chain initiatives, and worked on Toronto's Bay Street before joining the mining supplier world. “I felt my background fit this role well because I’ve been on both the buyers’ side of the world and the sellers’ side of the mining supply chain.”

Modernizing the mining suppliers brand

The primary inspiration for the rebrand is modernization. The topic of a new website led to a brand equity audit. CAMESE found areas where its brand could be simplified, yet expanded to encompass all that the world of mining suppliers has become. The new name, Mining Suppliers Trade Association Canada, covers the broadened scope of the industry.

With the rebrand, modernization is easier. MSTA Canada plans to “leverage the new functionality of the website and take on a better approach to social media tools,” McEachern said. “Those two things are important because they will be an extension of the marketing efforts of our members as well.”

Preparing for domestic and international markets

MSTA Canada values both domestic and international markets. A specific example of its increased support can be seen in the partnership with the Strategic Export Marketing Program (SEMP) in Northern Ontario and New Brunswick. This in-depth program aims to help companies be ready for export success in one to five years. Embracing the new online space also includes the introduction of more structured webinars. CAMESE already hosted skills workshops, but the updated plan focuses on “helping members build a better export marketing plan.”

Worldwide networking opportunities

Networking was always a priority for CAMESE, but MSTA Canada will enhance the networking opportunities already in place. To complement the educational opportunities and programs to prepare for worldwide and domestic markets, networking will adopt a similar broadened scope.

“Both play a very important role in developing relationships,” McEachern said.

Events will include both B2B structured events, as well as more casual networking evening meetups on worldwide and domestic stages.

MSTA Canada advocates for mining suppliers

Throughout its entirety, the organization has always advocated for the mining supply and services sector. The association holds positive relationships with all levels of government in Canada, as well as relationships with peer organizations at home and abroad.

“We have great relationships with our trade commissioner services around the world, Export Develop Canada and also our counterpart organizations,” said McEachern. “Moving forward, we will be looking at working with different stakeholders, such as Indigenous communities.”

While MSTA Canada offers plenty of benefits to its members, the association's membership only touches on a small percentage of the Canadian companies who consider themselves mining suppliers. Now, MSTA Canada has the means to grow to include more of these companies. McEachern said the focus is on “continuing to improve our programming while delivering on our mandate.”

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