MIRARCO, an innovative non-profit leader in mining research and technology, has a new president and CEO, Vic Pakalnis.

"Vic's experience and relationships in both the industrial and public sectors will help to shape strong and vibrant strategic objectives for the long-term success of MIRARCO," said Marc Boudreau, president and CEO of Bestech and chairman of the board of directors for MIRARCO, in a release.

Pakalnis has a bachelor of engineering degree in mining engineering and a master of engineering from McGill University, as well as a master of business administration from Queen's University.

He has worked for the former Inco and Falconbridge as well as the Ministry of Labour, and he has taught at Queen's.

MIRARCO—Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation and Applied Research Corporation—works to deliver quality research and innovative solutions to the global mining industry, and serves as an innovation bridge between researchers and industry.