Lystek wins multi-year tender contract with long-term customer, City of Guelph, to manage biosolids

Truck transferring biosolids into tanker.

The City’s goal with this tender was to procure a qualified company capable of providing reliable, year-round management of their annual biosolids program. — Photo courtesy Lystek International

Lystek International is pleased to announce that, on October 24, 2018, a multi-year (up to ten) contract was formally executed between the Cambridge, Ontario based provider of advanced biosolids management solutions and its long-term customer, the City of Guelph, Ontario (City). This is an especially rewarding agreement due to the fact that the first installation of the now market-leading, low temperature Lystek Thermal Hydrolysis Process (Lystek THP®) was demonstrated and commercialized in partnership with the forward-thinking City a little over ten years ago.

The City’s goal with this tender was to procure a qualified company capable of providing reliable, year-round management of their annual biosolids program, including receipt of the material, storage, marketing and distribution of the City’s LysteGro® biofertilizer product.

The solution also needed to allow the City to increase its annual production of LysteGro with the primary drivers being:

  • Environmental sustainability
  • Reliability
  • Economic viability

Through the tender process, the City sought to align with an organization with proven experience, resources and equipment as well as reliable, year-round, off-site storage capacity and the ability to maximize its production of the Class A quality, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) registered, LysteGro product.

“Lystek’s response to the tender demonstrated that it is positioned to fulfill all of the City’s requirements, including keeping our biosolids out of landfills,” says Tim Robertson, Division Manager of Wastewater Services for the City of Guelph. “The City is looking forward to working with Lystek on this project, due to their understanding of the City’s operational cost requirements, its technology, ownership of a licensed Organic Material Recovery Center and its experience with Class A quality, CFIA registered biofertilizer products.”

“We are committed to the development and nurturing of mutually beneficial, long term business partnerships that provide real value to our customers,” says Kurt Meyer, President of Lystek.