Greengate Power’s 113 MW Stirling Wind Project in Alberta awarded 20-Year contract by AESO

Stirling Wind is located in the County of Warner No.5 and Lethbridge County approximately 30 km southeast of the City of Lethbridge. — Photo courtesy

Stirling Wind is located in the County of Warner No.5 and Lethbridge County approximately 30 km southeast of the City of Lethbridge. — Photo courtesy Greengate Power Corporation

Greengate Power Corporation ("Greengate") is pleased to announce that its 113 MW Stirling Wind Project ("Stirling Wind") was awarded a 20-year Renewable Electricity Support Agreement ("RESA") by the Alberta Electric System Operator ("AESO"). Stirling Wind is jointly-owned by Greengate, Potentia Renewables Inc. ("Potentia") and Paul First Nation with Potentia owning a majority interest. With the award of this key contract, the project is expected to be under construction in the near future.

Stirling Wind is located in the County of Warner No.5 and Lethbridge County approximately 30 km southeast of the City of Lethbridge. Located on a large plateau of cultivated and grazing land, the project has an excellent wind resource which is among the best in Alberta. Under the terms of the RESA, Stirling Wind will receive a guaranteed price for all the power it produces for a period of 20 years.

"The Stirling Wind Project is among the first successful renewable energy project partnerships between industry and a first nations community in Alberta. We applaud the Government of Alberta for the continued success of its Renewable Electricity Program which is delivering long-term, low-cost clean power for Albertans," said Dan Balaban, President and Chief Executive Officer of Greengate. "Stirling is the third wind energy project successfully developed by Greengate in Alberta and demonstrates Greengate's continued leadership in Alberta's fast-growing renewable energy sector. We look forward to completing Stirling with our partners so that its social, economic and environmental benefits can be realized by all involved."

Greengate is an industry leading, privately-held sustainable energy company based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Since 2007, Greengate has successfully developed 480 MW of operating wind energy projects in Alberta and Ontario, Canada. These projects represent approximately $1 billion of investment and provide a clean source of power to over 200,000 homes. Greengate is currently pursuing the development of over 1,000 MW of sustainable energy projects in Alberta and across North America and continues to grow as an industry leading producer of renewable and clean energy. Additional information can be found at

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