— Photo courtesy Wikipedia Commons. Rio Tinto Alcan’s (RTA) refurbished cruise ship, which will house workers for the Kitimat Modernization Project,

— Photo courtesy Wikipedia Commons.

Rio Tinto Alcan’s (RTA) refurbished cruise ship, which will house workers for the Kitimat Modernization Project, sailed into Kitimat this week.

The ship, known as the Silja Festival, has been re-branded the Delta Spirit Lodge by RTA, and is a converted Baltic ferry from Estonia. The ship or “floating hotel” is expected to be used for at least nine months during huge modernize project of RTA Kitimat operations.

The ship arrived in Kitimat after an extensive refit and refurbishing at the Port of Vancouver.

The Delta Spirit Lodge is slated to be docked at the former Eurocan wharf, and will have a service staff of some 110, with 500 bedrooms, as well as full service dining and lounge facilities.