Establishing better working relationships

The First Nation of Na-cho Nyak Dun, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and the Yukon Chamber of Mines have collaborated on a Quick Reference Guide to Effective and Respectful Engagement Practices with Yukon First Nations and Communities.

The goal of the Yukon-specific guide is to bring mining companies together to establish respectful working relationships with Yukon First Nations and communities when undertaking mineral exploration and development projects.

“Global experience reveals that early, effective engagement with First Nations and communities is good business practice and fundamental to fostering mutual understanding and respect between proponents and our citizens,” said Chief Simon Mervyn Senior of the First Nation of Na-cho Nyak Dun.

Yukon Chamber of Mines president Claire Derome also commented: “Healthy communities and a healthy environment are synonymous with a vibrant economy and responsible, sustainable activities, and early, effective engagement is integral to this balance.”