Diamond drilling has begun on Eagle Plains’ Findlay property

MMG is a mid-tier global resources company that mines, explores and develops base-metal projects around the world. The company has now commenced diamond drilling activity on Eagle Plains Resources' 100 per cent-owned Findlay/Greenland Creek properties. The property is located about 30 kilometres north of Kimberley, B.C., in the East Kootenay region. MMG holds the exclusive right to earn up to 75 per cent interest in the 33,500-hectare property.

Eagle Plains continues to conduct research, acquire and explore mineral projects throughout Western Canada. Since 1992, Eagle Plains has been acquiring and developing early-stage projects utilizing an in-house team of geologists, technicians and specialists. Considered a prolific project generator with over 35 properties, Eagle Plains invites joint-venture participation to expedite development, reduce risk and enhance exposure to discovery.

The Findlay property has been explored sporadically since the 1930s. Eagle Plains began acquiring claims in the Findlay/Doctor/Greenland Creek area in 1996.

Between 1997 and 2000, parts of the current Findlay property were under option to Kennecott Canada Ltd,. Billiton Canada Ltd. and Rio Algom Ltd. Work by these groups as well as extensive work funded exclusively by Eagle Plains included property-scale geological and structural mapping, soil geochemical sampling, prospecting and limited diamond drilling. Total expenditures on the property since 1996 are in the order of $4 million.

Structurally, this area has been identified as an extension of the North Star-Sullivan corridor, which hosts the world-class Sullivan deposit 30 kilometres to the south. The Findlay property displays Sullivan-style exhalative tourmalinite (boron) horizons, massive fragmental sections, anomalous lead, zinc and indicator geochemistry, and base-metal occurrences. This “Sullivan smoke” occurs throughout the Lower to Upper Aldridge Formations and indicates the potential for Sullivan-style mineralization at multiple stratigraphic levels.

The property also includes the historic Silver Key Mine, which produced 31 tons of selected ore averaging 3,431 g/t silver from structurally controlled narrow quartz veins within the Lower Aldridge Formation. (B.C. Minfile).

Property-scale mapping by Cominco Ltd. and Eagle Plains has established excellent Aldridge marker control and many of the drill targets developed are within the 500-metre to 1,000-metre range, considered to be shallow for Sullivan-type targets in the Purcell Basin.

Exploration work in 2012 consists of an 1,800-metre, four-hole program funded and operated by MMG. Work is expected to take two to three weeks to complete. FB Drilling of Cranbrook, B.C., has been contracted to carry out diamond drilling services.