Canada invests in Smart Grid Technology to reduce energy costs in Yukon

The Yukon Energy Corporation is receiving a $650,000 investment to cut energy costs, reduce the use of fuel to generate electricity during high-demand

The Yukon Energy Corporation is receiving a $650,000 investment to cut energy costs, reduce the use of fuel to generate electricity during high-demand peaks and lower greenhouse gas emissions. — Photo courtesy Yukon Energy Corporation

Energy efficiency helps families save money, makes businesses more competitive and creates a cleaner environment for future generations. The Government of Canada is taking action by investing in technology that will make our electrical systems more efficient and prepare us for a clean energy future.

Member of Parliament for Yukon, the Honourable Larry Bagnell, on behalf of Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, recently announced a $650,000 investment for Yukon Energy Corporation to cut energy costs, reduce the use of fuel to generate electricity during high-demand peaks and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

The Residential Demand Response Program will make the territory’s electrical grid more efficient by equipping up to 400 homes with smart devices. These devices will allow Yukon Energy to shift participating customers’ energy demand to off-peak hours and meet the Yukon’s growing energy capacity needs in a cost-effective and sustainable way while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This program is a joint collaboration between Yukon Energy Corporation, Yukon Development Corporation and ATCO Electric Yukon.

Funding for this project is provided by Natural Resources Canada’s Smart Grid Program, which allows utilities to reduce pollution and optimize electricity use while encouraging innovation. The program is part of the Government of Canada’s more than $180-billion Investing in Canada infrastructure plan.

Through Canada’s national energy dialogue, Generation Energy, Canadians made it clear that reliable, affordable clean energy solutions are not a luxury but a necessity for Canada’s low-carbon future. We will continue to support clean energy initiatives that create jobs, support investment and industry competitiveness, advance our clean future and help realize our global climate change goals.

“Affordable and clean energy technology is a must for Yukon’s future. Today’s investment in innovative technology will help families save money and will help move Yukoners down a positive environmental path, for many generations to come.” — The Honourable Larry Bagnell, Member of Parliament for Yukon

“Reducing demand and increasing efficiency is key as we work to reduce Yukon’s carbon footprint. All Yukoners have a stake in the territory’s energy future, and this innovative program will empower individuals to be mindful about consumption while helping us move toward a more economically and environmentally sustainable future.” — The Honourable Ranj Pillai, Minister responsible for the Yukon Development Corporation, Minister responsible for the Yukon Energy Corporation

“The Residential Demand Response Program gives Yukoners the opportunity to directly influence and participate in Yukon’s energy future. As the demand for electricity continues to grow in the territory, so too does the need for a reliable mix of new generation sources and energy conservation programs. The Residential Demand Response Program is a critical piece of that mix.” — Andrew Hall, President and C.E.O Yukon Energy Corporation

“ATCO Electric Yukon is a proud provider of reliable energy to the communities we both live in, and serve, in the North. Together with Yukon Development Corporation, Yukon Energy Corporation and Natural Resources Canada, we are committed to providing innovative solutions for northerners to effectively manage their electricity while lowering costs and protecting the environment.” — Jay Massie, Manager, ATCO Electric Yukon