Behind the scenes of television miniseries, Mining Your Future

Mining & Exploration spoke with Mining Your Future executive producer, Maggie Dorf, to talk about the success of the TV show.

1 of 1In one episode, Mining Your Future, job shadowed a tire technician at Kal Tire. The tires are valued at over $100,000 each. — CNW Group/Mining

1 of 1In one episode, Mining Your Future, job shadowed a tire technician at Kal Tire. The tires are valued at over $100,000 each. — CNW Group/Mining Your Future photo.

Due to its overwhelming popularity on TV sets across Canada, the TV miniseries, Mining Your Future, re-aired for the third time on July 16, 2013. The series showcases 24 exciting career opportunities within the mining and exploration sector. It is a 30-minute show, filmed in stunning locations, that follows three unique jobs each week for eight weeks so that the public can discover a wide spectrum of top-paying jobs (average salary over $100,000) in the country.

This year, the show got an honourable mention in the HR Diversity Award category from the Mining Association of B.C. (MABC) and the B.C. Mining HR Task Force.

Season 2 of the show will air this fall and executive producer Maggie Dorf can't wait. She sat down with Mining & Exploration to discuss the success of the show, what goes on behind the scenes and the incredible amount of work that goes into making a show like Mining Your Future.

We (our crew) believed wholeheartedly in what we were creating and knew it would do very well. There was nothing like it out there, but we had no idea it would become as successful as it did. Countless high schools from around the province approached us to receive the DVD sets to implement into their mining or career curriculum. We received stacks of emails from executives and high-level management in the industry thanking us for finally showing their sector in such a true and genuine light. Also, most importantly, I constantly hear from strangers and the public, "Wow, I never knew that kind of job was out there," which is basically the essence of our show - to educate in the most entertaining way possible.

I read once that if you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life–I could not agree more. There are many parts of my job that I love; however, by far a favourite is being able to meet so many amazing people and get such an in-depth look at their professional lives. It is truly astonishing how wide the spectrum is, of careers, in just one single industry. Most of the careers are challenging but a ton of fun and extremely rewarding.

Between the co-ordinating, paperwork, legalities, creative planning, gear prep, travel, filming and post-production, the creation of this TV miniseries takes nearly a year. Our film crew travels for days at a time together putting in long days. Despite the hard work, though, and crazy irregular hours, you'll be hard-pressed to find a member on our crew who'd rather be doing anything else.

You know that moment where you've been working 12 or 14 hours straight, you are absolutely dead tired but the adrenalin and fun of what you are doing and the company you are in, keeps you going… Well, those moments make for the most hilarious and memorable times. Our small crew gets along so well, we're like close siblings, so when we hit that point of goofy exhaustion, it's nothing but laughs and chuckles. I live for those moments, they are so pure and genuine.

We are so thrilled to be able to bring the public a new season filled with more exciting jobs and facts. We ended Season 1 with a jaw dropping young female master blaster and I can promise Season 2 will leave everyone just as breathless. Season 2 will be the final season of Mining Your Future, at which point we will make the shift to our newest series called, Job Hunters. Essentially the same type of show, but not focused only on the one industry.

For release dates and times of new seasons or to view episodes and videos online visit: and