BCUC welcomes the appointment and reappointment of Commissioners

Picture of construction equipment and logo of BCUC.

The BCUC is a regulatory agency responsible for oversight of energy utilities and compulsory auto insurance in British Columbia. — Photo courtesy BCUC

The BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) is pleased to welcome two full-time commissioners as outlined in the Province of British Columbia Order in Council (OIC) No. 619.

Effective November 26, 2018, E. Blair Lockhart and Tom Loski have been appointed to four-year terms as full-time BCUC commissioners.

“These appointments will greatly improve and expand the capacity of the BCUC,” said David Morton, Chair and CEO of the BC Utilities Commission. “The four-year appointment terms are also an important step in helping us recruit and attract qualified professionals like Blair and Tom to the BCUC.”

In addition, effective December 31, 2018, the following commissioners have been reappointed to terms ending on December 31, 2021:

  • Dennis Cote
  • Richard Mason

The commissioners listed below have been reappointed to terms ending on December 31, 2019:

  • Miriam Kresivo, Q.C.
  • Bernard Magnan
  • Richard Revel

“We are encouraged to see longer term appointments for several commissioners as this is important to the overall success and effectiveness of the BCUC,” said Morton. “These appointments provide both the Commissioners and the BCUC with stability, continuity and consistency which is vital to the complex and highly technical work we do.”

To read Order in Council No. 619 please visit the following link: Click here.


Blair Lockhart has practised law since 1991. She has a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of British Columbia and a Master of Laws in International Environmental Law from SOAS at the University of London. Blair is also a Geologist with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) from the University of Manitoba and a Master of Science from the University of Alberta. Blair was a prosecutor with the Attorney General as well as general counsel for several mineral exploration companies. Blair volunteers extensively and served as National President for CISV Canada, an international children's peace education organization.

Tom Loski has 34 years of experience working with energy utilities in British Columbia. Tom spent the majority of his career with the FortisBC group of companies and its predecessors, where he held a variety of senior management and executive roles. This experience included positions in finance, strategic planning, operations, marketing, energy supply, regulatory affairs and customer service, where he served as the Vice President responsible for the successful repatriation of the customer service function after having been outsourced ten years previously. For many years, Tom was responsible for the development and implementation of corporate regulatory strategy as the Chief Regulatory Officer for FortisBC, a position he also held at BC Hydro. Tom is a member of the Chartered Professional Accountants of BC, earning his CMA designation in 1985.

The reappointed commissioner’s biographies are available on the BCUC’s website at: Click here

About the BCUC

The BCUC is a regulatory agency responsible for oversight of energy utilities and compulsory auto insurance in British Columbia. It is the BCUC’s role to balance the interests of customers with the interests of the businesses it regulates. The BCUC carries out fair and transparent reviews of matters within its jurisdiction and considers public input where public interest is impacted.