Almirall builds the largest self-consumption photovoltaic plant in Catalonia

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Almirall is a leading skin-health focused global pharmaceutical company. — Photo courtesy Almirall

Almirall, S.A (ALM) has completed the construction of an innovative 800 kWp photovoltaic plant, located in its pharmaceutical plant in Sant Andreu de la Barca (Barcelona), which aims to save 12% of the electrical energy consumption from the site. This initiative is part of the company's policy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by promoting the use of renewable energies.

The installation of this solar facility, which is the result of Almirall's efforts to create an energy efficiency model through innovative projects, represents an important precedent in the fight against climate change. Already in 2017, Almirall installed the first solar panel system in Spain connected directly to its chemical plant in Sant Celoni (Barcelona)

With the construction of this photovoltaic plant, Almirall expects to reduce its dependence on the electrical network by more than 1,200 MWh per year in its Sant Andreu plant. It will generate the equivalent to the average annual consumption of approximately 350 homes with 100% renewable and local energy. Furthermore, the construction of the photovoltaic facility will reduce emissions by 479 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

All the energy to be produced by this photovoltaic installation will be instantaneously consumed by the Sant Andreu plant, covering 12% of its electrical needs.

The solar panels will be installed on the roof of the building, the canopies of the parking lot and on the ground, and the photovoltaic plant will transform the solar radiation into electrical energy.

This technology is able to capture the maximum energy during all hours of the day and all months of the year. The power output is 800 kWp, allowing to generate close to 1,200 MWh per year of clean energy for self-consumption.

Working for a more sustainable planet

With the opening of the Sant Andreu de la Barca solar plant, Almirall reinforces its strategy of implementing ongoing measures to make its production processes more sustainable and to reduce the environmental impact in all the company's operational areas. The efforts in this area extend throughout all the life cycle of the product: from its R&D and manufacture, to the acquisition of raw materials and the waste disposal process.

Since 2012, Almirall has managed to reduce its energy consumption of electricity and gas by 18% by implementing 149 energy efficiency projects, with the common objective of reducing the effects of climate change." Our main purpose is to promote renewable energy in all sites. We take care of people, that is why we are committed to finding energy efficiency solutions, to contribute to the construction of a more sustainable environment ", stated Victor Molina.

Almirall's energy efficiency model is based on the iterative search for projects and new technologies that have been applied progressively, according to the needs of each site. In this way, the company has managed to implement innovative technologies such as magnetic levitation and humidification by water nebulization by high compression, which allow the reduction of energy consumption in compressors of refrigeration equipment and steam systems by resistances and/or traditional electrolysis.